Book a Mini-Session with SOP & Facilitation
This will be to listen and understand and facilitate clearings and Distant Energetic Session as Required.

Conflictors & Motivators (Private Session)
What’s Important to you? And, How to stay Grounded and Focussed?
Find 5 Things that are Important to you, That is your Core, And That is Who you are to stay Focused, Grounded and Happy!
Symphony of Possibilities
(Full Session)
Receive this Distant Energetic Session of Symphony of Possibilities with Facilitation for anything that is important for you.
Book this when you are Totally Lost and are in intense Emotional, Mental and Physical pain

Access Bars Session
Your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and pain can disempower you. Book this In-Person session to let go of the pain and disempowering factors.
The Worst case scenario – You would feel like you had a Great Massage
The Best case scenario – Your whole life will change for Greater than you asked for.
Facelift/ Body Process/Vision Correction
Sessions for Facelift, Immunity and Vision Correction and other issues