Is it Free….is a Mindset
33% free on your Favourite Drink now? Why would someone do that?
Did you ever hear of anything Free with Booking of a Rolls Royce? Of course not!
Not just because they do not offer something free, But probably we have not reached the stage where we could buy one because of the mindset we have adopted.
Because Good things come with Value and they will not diminish in Value nor in Cost to be paid for it!
So next time when someone offers you something for free, There is nothing wrong with you making the decision to go for it; However Beware they are breaking your mindset to go for things that you deserve, may buy and would appreciate in value.
What if you were played….All the time; Since you were a child?
Go back by many years, when this was first used; Someone played with someone’s mindset; Only to make them believe that the deal they are getting is the Smartest?
While that was a Feel good, even if deep down it didn’t feel so; when they told others; they hear disbelief, Validation and they were happy to reason with others.
Ever seen that advertisement about the Travel Website; which showed TV screen partitioned with the left side as someone who got the Hotel Room at rack Rates and the other one got it cheaper from the Travel Website.
Once you have started operating with this mindset, a Research would be Mandatory and a Logical conclusion is as if required for your Breath; You would rather delay the decision than to make a wrong choice; because if you do not only will you invite criticism from others; You may then criticise yourself for life even is its an Insignificant purchase.
I remember ordering food from Zomato/ Swiggy/ Food Panda/ Uber Eats; It took me 2 years to realise how much have they messed up with my Mindset.
It used to take me 45 Minutes minimum to decide what to order; Because I would check all the offers available on all 4 apps, restaurant to restaurant and look at the best deal; Even if all I wanted to eat was Humble Idli or Dal Rice; Sometimes just because the deal was so appealing I chose to not have what I wanted and replaced by that fancy or smart mindset order.
Long back I learnt 3 tricks to be used in closing a Sale
Convince a Customer by using Logic, Features, If you can’t…….. Confuse the customer, This is mostly done by appearing honest and giving a lot of extra information, Advantages beyond the comprehension of the customer and if that Fails…. Corrupt the customer by offering him discounts, Benefits, Comparison, decision making instances of others
Ahhh, Do you feel cheated? Here is some more
Imagine you want to change your Toothpaste brand and after you choose the competitor your Brand to come up with a Bigger Value pack, let’s say instead of 200 grams, They come up with 300 grams at same or few extra Rupee Price; You were tempted to go for it and they won you as the consumer again.
Here is the Catch, If earlier the 200 grams lasted 20 days, the 300 grams will last the same 23 days and not 30 days.
The toothpaste tubes had a small opening of about 5 millimetres for squeezing out the paste. They increased the value pack tube diameter of the hole from 5mm to 7mm, the volume of paste squeezed out for a given length of squirt along the brush is increased by 40% and you end up using more tube than before.
This is what Manipulation is; You do not need to resist it; You just can acknowledge it as part of this reality.
Is that wrong? probably to most of us as it WAS for me.
Let’s look at the meaning of Manipulation; Manipulation is a Clever or skilful way of conversing to get what you want.
Would you still call it wrong? What if Its Natural and even a few months old baby knows how to get what they want and you also may be using it without knowing.
Of course, some of you are smarter and using toothpaste by Volume rather than Toothbrush Length; But keep in mind two things.
Firstly You are smart and not everybody else is, so they still get to sell more through others. Second, you got corrupted with the mindset anyway, Because earlier you had simple needs, the value that you received and pay for it; but now you have to be smart; defeat them in their game, One more additional mind game to play each time you buy a toothpaste? Or is it that you have developed a mindset that will be used for every time you have to spend money.
My dear Friend, You got Played! And they have corrupted your Money mindset!
Money has become dearer in your mind.
And it’s Permanent damage; Unless you acknowledge it, You can not change it!
Coming back to the context; So every time you choose something just because it’s lower-priced or Free, You are further engraving deeper on the existing carving of the same mindset.
It may have a different impact or a mix of these
- Money is dearer
- Being Smart is more important than choosing what you deserve
- The choice to be made on Money and not the Value
- Good things are costly and it’s not worth spending on them
I once remember I had some Old Clothes and shoes to discard; I couldn’t find someone worthy of receiving them; the only people I could think of is Society Security Guard and Garbage collection maids in the society. I couldn’t bring myself up to ask them to take the clothes away, because even if it’s free, They are used, worn and giveaway. And in giving, I was reluctant to make them feel inferior enough to receive.
So Each time when you ask for free or receive for free, Do you lower your self-worth? Or do you receive it as an opportunist or do you take it without any point of view?
Leaving you with a question to ponder; Dig deeper in your Sub-Conscious or get a Coach to help you why you Ain’t got any money.
So next time when someone offers you something with a discount or for Free; Know that they may be playing you or worse, they do not have faith in themselves and you are helping them validate their value.
And would you allow that to be the reason to choose something, just because it’s free? Ask is it an aberration or are you the victim of “is it Free” Mindset.
It is not wrong at all to choose what’s Free, But if that has become your reason to choose….then you are not choosing; Just know that you got played! Hope you enjoyed the Article
To know more, I recommend this Book Money Isn’t the problem, You are Click Here to Buy
What if it is all about how much you’re willing to…Receive?
Money Isn’t the Problem, You Are is written for people who live in a constant state of difficulty around money, whether it’s spending too much, not having enough, or having too much.
This book offers you out of the box concepts with money. It is not about money. It never is. It’s about what you’re willing to receive. What could a different perspective and approach to money do for you and your bank account?
If you’re willing to receive the freedom of life, then money has no value to you.
–Gary M. Douglas
Find out what no one else has ever told you about money! The universe is an abundant place, the tools and techniques in this book will give you a choice to create a different reality.
The biggest thing you’re unwilling to receive is how incredibly great you really are!
–Gary M. Douglas
Geet Batra
Certified Access Bars Facilitator and ICF certified Life coach
For more visit the website www.magicpossibilities.com or www.geetbatra.com Follow me as Magic Possibilities on Facebook or Instagram
For more on Access Bars https://youtu.be/j4vo7W8RL5E and https://youtu.be/X2HWH9fG_40
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